Porn star experience (PSE) sex is more popular than ever. With porn so widely available, people are trying more of the hardcore sex acts they’re watching online. It’s easy to see the appeal of PSE sex in your personal life – it’s an incredibly fun time for everyone involved!
However, like any type of sex, it’s important to stay safe during your porn star experience. Whether you’re hooking up for casual fun or looking to spice up a long-term relationship, PSE sex should always be safe and consensual.
So, if you’re looking to try the porn star experience in the bedroom, be sure to follow these important safety tips:
Always Have Consent
It’s essential that you have consent for PSE sex. It’s a type of sex that’s more hardcore and extreme than normal sex, so you want to ensure that everyone involved is fully consenting.
Moreover, you need consent for everything you plan on exploring during your PSE sex. For example, if you want to try dirty talk, hair pulling, spanking, or any sort of kinky sex act, you must have consent before you start.
Consent is important because it keeps everyone safe and comfortable throughout their porn star experience journey. Remember, consent can also be removed at any time, so if someone isn’t enjoying something that they’ve previously consented to, make sure to stop immediately.
Respect Boundaries
Boundaries are also an important part of porn star experience. Each person needs to set clear boundaries for what they’re comfortable with and what they don’t want to try.
Make sure to set boundaries for yourself too, while you both need to respect each other’s boundaries before and during PSE sex.
Remember, PSE sex is often extreme, so it’s vital that you both understand what makes each other uncomfortable. Never try to push someone’s boundaries or change their minds about what PSE acts to try during sex.
By setting boundaries, you ensure that both people remain safe and comfortable throughout the PSE.
Good Communication
As mentioned above, it’s important to set boundaries and establish consent for your PSE sex. To achieve these things, you need to practice good communication, both before and during sex.
For example, when setting boundaries, you should discuss what you’re comfortable doing during PSE sex. Be open and honest with your communication, and always respect each other’s boundaries.
Plus, not everyone knows their boundaries for PSE sex, especially when trying it for the first time.
So, good communication can take time! Your communication should be constant, whether you’re having PSE sex for the first or hundredth time!
Take the time to discuss the things you both want to try during PSE sex before anything happens. There’s a lot of different stuff you can try during PSE sex, including hair pulling, spanking, dirty talk, role playing, and spanking – always clearly communicate what you want to try first!
Communicating in a non-sexual environment helps lift some pressure, providing a safe and neutral place to discuss your desires, boundaries, and everything else.
Also, communication doesn’t end once the sex begins!
Even though you’re performing PSE sex, take the time to make sure your partner is happy and enjoying themselves, even if you’re breaking your porn star mindset for a moment.
Plus, communication during sex helps to avoid unwanted safety issues, especially if something could cause mental or physical pain. You’ll also both have more comfortable, enjoyable sex when openly communicating during PSE sex!
Use Protection
It may sound obvious, but make sure to use appropriate protection during sex, such as condoms or a form of birth control.
You never want to risk your health and safety with unprotected PSE sex, especially if you’re doing so with a one-night stand or casual hook-up. Condoms are highly recommended for PSE sex, as they not only help protect against unwanted pregnancy but also STDs.
Even those taking the necessary measures to protect themselves during PSE sex are not 100% risk-free. Like any type of sex, PSE sex comes with risks that simply cannot be avoided.
However, if you take the necessary measures to protect yourselves during PSE sex, you can both have a safe and enjoyable time!
Manage Expectations
Be sure to manage your expectations before you have porn star experience.
You may want to try something wild and extreme, but the reality may not be as fun as you imagined. For example, if you want to try a crazy sex position, you might find it’s not that enjoyable or outright impossible to perform!
Managing expectations is also an important part of communication during PSE sex, which is an essential part of staying safe.
Moreover, it helps you both get a better understanding of what to expect during PSE sex, ensuring everyone is always comfortable throughout.
Lubricant is Always Welcome
While you might not always see actors stopping to apply some lube during a porn scene, it’s certainly being used behind the scenes.
Lubricant makes all types of sex safer and more enjoyable, including PSE sex. It can be used for vaginal or anal sex, while also being good for all types of foreplay and kinky stuff during your PSE sex.
So, lube won’t just make things more comfortable; it also helps to minimize the risk of injury.
Additionally, PSE sex is often harder and more extreme than normal sex. The action can be fast and frenetic, so lube may be even more necessary to avoid injury and keep everyone safe and comfortable.
Do Some Stretches
Porn star experience involves fast, frenetic sex in all kinds of wild positions.
You’re going to get very enthusiastic during your PSE sex, likely pounding hard and fast throughout.
While this is unquestionably great fun, it’s also increasing the risk of a muscle injury! Fast and wild sex is always risky for pulling a muscle, especially if trying an advanced sex position.
So, consider doing some minor stretches before your PSE sex to minimize the risk of a muscle injury. The last thing you want is to have the best PSE sex ever and then be out of action for a while due to an injury!