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Make no mistake, sex robots are going to take over to some degree. Blow-up dolls have been around for decades, though they’re mostly used as a bit of a joke at bachelor parties. And while sex bots have been a silly idea since Austin Powers, it’s becoming a reality.

To be clear, a sex robot is an animatronic robot covered in silicone (typically) and is anatomically correct for your pleasure. Most of them come (pardon the pun) in the female variety, but there are some companies promising a male counterpart soon.

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The glassy-eyed stare and stiff limbs have improved considerably. They look more lifelike, move more realistically, and feel softer than ever. And some now have artificial intelligence and sensors to make them more real than ever.

Advanced sex dolls respond to your touch with a moan. They respond to your command with a question, a comment, or moving their hand, mouth, or whatever else to get you off.

Some people are excited for our future sex robot army to take over, while others are a bit leery.

The Case for Sex Bots

One on hand, a sex bot is nothing more than a sex toy. After all, there are all sorts of vibrators, masturbators, and other toys for men and women alike.

Female sex robots are made in the image of woman, but they’re different in that their designs seem to be plucked out of a man’s imagination. They’re hypersexualized versions of women, or fantasies come to artificial life.

For those who struggle with human relationships, this could be an answer to fulfilling their needs and sexual appetite. It’s also a way for some who crave companionship but may not have the social skills to make those connections.

Additionally, there’s no concern about spreading STIs or need for birth control, which is a huge added benefit.

The Argument Against Sex Bots

On the other hand, sex robots becoming the norm could potentially damage society and how those bot users interact with actual humans. After all, what about the question of consent? If a sex bot user never has to concern themselves with seeking consent from a doll, then how will they behave around a real, living human?

There’s also the major concern of underage-looking bots. A company in Japan manufactures smaller bodies with underdeveloped body parts. The CEO says he leaves it up to the bot owner’s imagination to determine the age of the bot, but for legal purposes, that particular doll is only sold in Japan. Could this type of doll keep pedophiles away from real children, though?

Perhaps the biggest question of all is how will this affect humanity overall? We don’t know the psychological effects of maintaining a relationship with a sex bot and how it might affect our real relationships. It’s natural to be wary of new technology, and when you throw sex into the mix, the cyborg reality can be frightening.

Plus, men are dominating this industry and controlling the direction of this new category of sex toys. The majority of the programmers are men, and they’re leading the way.

