Seven Habits of Sexually Satisfied People
By Coleen Singer, Sexpert at
If you’ve been having some trouble with your sex life, you might need to look inward. A lot of people have problems with sex, and it’s easy to blame circumstances or someone else. The truth is, the secret to a happy sex life is to work for it. Put your best foot forward, and create sexual habits that guarantee your happiness.
But where do you start? Obviously, those habits need to be reflected in the bedroom, but make them continuous in daily life. here are some thoughts on sexual tips you can use to create the habits that lead to an absolutely blissful sex life.
You’re Sexy and You Know It
In order for someone else to find you sexy and put their all into a sexual relationship or interlude, you have to believe in your own sexiness first. That doesn’t mean that you know your own sexual prowess. That’s something completely different, and while it’s significant, it’s not enough to achieve true happiness. Sexually satisfied people make it a habit of reminding themselves on a daily basis and truly believing that they are sexy and worth the effort.
Keep It Simple
Getting naked and wearing a whipped cream bikini can be an exciting way to start the night, but such major efforts aren’t necessary most of the time. In fact, simple, small things go a long way in creating sexual satisfaction. A well-timed caress on the arm or significant bedroom eyes can be the perfect way to catch your partner’s attention and require little effort to garner a lot of excitement.
A Positive Perspective
We’re all individuals, so we all like different things. But sometimes, you get bogged down in the things your partner does that you don’t like. Rather than harping on something that bothers you, mention it once (in a positive setting) and then focus all your effort on telling your partner what you like, how he makes you happy and gets you aroused. People with healthy sex habits don’t focus on negativity.
Making Time
We’re all guilty of not having enough time for sex. But sex is important in a healthy relationship, so you have to make time. You make time to shower, to eat, and to go to work. Set aside time for sex, and you’ll find that you’re happier and more fulfilled in your relationship. A relationship without sex is like a spoonful of peanut butter without bread – it’s good, but it’s so much more satisfying when you have the complete meal. That also includes making time to fantasize. After all, you can’t satisfy a fantasy if you don’t have one.
Take it Easy
Having high expectations can lead to a sense of failure. No one is going to have a lovemaking session that looks like something out of a romance movie, or that feels like a porn movie, every time they get down to business. That’s okay. If you put too much pressure on yourself, you take away the enjoyment. Sexually satisfied people are happy with their efforts, and it makes them more successful.
Be Responsive
It’s okay if you’re not in the mood. But don’t make your partner feel rejected if he is. That doesn’t mean you have to give it up when you’re not into it, but you shouldn’t just shut the door in his face to the idea. Try to find an alternative. Maybe he’ll take a hand job, or maybe he will settle for a very sensual massage. The point is, sexually satisfied people are responsive every time, in some way.
Be Into It
On the same note, you shouldn’t lie there like a cold fish and have sex just for the sake of satisfying your partner. If you were looking forward to cuddling under a blanket, eating popcorn, and watching reruns, your partner will likely notice that you aren’t into the whole idea of sex. That leaves him unsatisfied, which then creates a barrier between you. You feel guilty and unsatisfied, and it starts to cycle. If you need to say no, just do it. But remember to try to find alternatives that don’t make him feel rejected.
Maintaining habits that keep you sexually satisfied takes work. Developing those habits takes time and effort, but it’s so rewarding in the end, when these finally become natural responses.
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