Abstinence is great advice for those who aren’t mature enough to handle the emotional side of sex. But if you’re an experienced adult, and you can make your own decisions about who, how, and when, sometimes it’s better to get it on. And when you do, you might want to try a little adventure – it’s good for your health.
No, this is not a tongue-in-cheek statement, though putting something in your cheek can actually improve your mood. That’s right – semen actually contains an antidepressant, according to one study. That doesn’t mean you have to swallow, though it could be beneficial. But contact with skin, vaginally or orally, can really help you feel better and more relaxed. By contrast, if you avoid sex altogether, you may experience increased stress, even leading to the possibility of high blood pressure.
Kinky Communication
Adventures in bed aren’t just about better sex. It actually helps communication skills. Because of the way a BDSM relationship works, serious communication is required, and a lot of couples who partake in ‘kink’ in some way have better skills and a better understanding of each other. If you’re looking to be able to speak to your needs better – in the bedroom and in everyday life – you might want to consider trying something a little out of the ordinary that requires you to speak up and really explain what you want and need.
Again, there’s a flip side to this. If you aren’t having sex at all, you may be losing some of your ability to communicate with others. Your use of body language as well as your vocabulary may suffer based on lack of use or exercise. Just like your muscles can atrophy, so can parts of the brain, and the last thing you need is to get in the mood, find the opportunity for good sex, and be unable to perform because you don’t remember the language.
Memory Loss
Wait, what? Have you been having trouble remembering why you got up and walked into the kitchen? Try having sex. No, seriously, increased sexual activity has been linked to avoiding memory loss and even slowing aging in some ways. Basically, sex makes neurons. Neurons produce brain activity that makes and uses memory. You can literally lose some of your higher cognitive functions if you’ve been having sex and suddenly decide to stop. It’s literally dangerous to your health.
But have no fear! To boost that activity again, just include a little spanking in your next interlude. A spanking is a great way to release more endorphins, which not only increases pleasure but also increase the speed and amount of pleasure you get from sex. And with that will come additional brain function wrapped up in a nice little package so you get everything you need all in one.
It’s really a simple thing. There are plenty of reasons to remain a virgin, if you’re a virgin. But if your body has come to expect sex, it’s probably best not to let it down.