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On the one hand, living the single life means not having a care in the world except for how many cute guys follow you on Instagram, and whether you’ve remembered to restock the condoms in your purse in case your date doesn’t have one because, you know, HIV dating.

On the other, in this culture of endless hookups, waking up next to the wrong person in the morning is a risk single people are willing to take. Today, we’re here to discuss the most efficient ways to put a bad hookup behind you and take the necessary steps in the future to minimize the risk as much as possible.

#1:  Damage Control

It’s clear as day that damage has been done, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to do a little damage control.

First off, do whatever it is in your power to ensure the word on your little ‘adventure’ doesn’t spread or at least that it doesn’t spread further because the lower the number of people who know about it, the easier it will be for you to forget it.

Delete the hookup’s contact if the situation permits it or if this is someone from your inner circle, a friend’s cousin or a co-worker let them know what happened will not happen again. Distance yourself from the situation and/or that crowd for a while, and let time to the rest.

#2: Focus on the Future

Obviously, one bad hookup is no reason to change your lifestyle or dating philosophy. At the same time, focusing on the future, and creating a strategy that this kind of thing doesn’t happen again is beneficial for two reasons.

First off, your mind is focused on problem prevention not on the problem itself, making you feel better about the problem itself, and immediately remedying the situation.

Second, actually coming up with the ways to eliminate the possibility of making a bad judgment call again brings you one step closer to making a right judgment call when the opportunity presents itself again.

Whatever you do, dwelling on it won’t solve anything, so your best bet is to do a little damage control, revise your casual hookup rules and strategies, and move on.

#3: Move on with a Bang

Literally! Moving on with a bang in this case absolutely means what you think it means! Finding someone else to date even if it’s just for a few weeks will help you put your painful mistake behind you that much quicker.

Tinder is your best friend in this case because even if you just find someone to text, your mind will be occupied trying to figure out this new person and whether the two of you would be a good match. Go out, see if they fit, have fun, and blow off some steam.

Once you find yourself at a safe distance from your more-than-forgettable hookup, don’t even bother trying to make any sense of it. You’ve managed to put it in the past, and that’s where it should stay for all eternity.
